The 2nd World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development (2018)

BALI COMMITMENT (Agreed Version)
Partnership towards Sustainable Energies for All
The Second World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development
Bali, September 12-13 2018
We, Parliamentarians from 46 countries, gathered at the Second World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development (WPSD) in Bali, Indonesia, on September 12th and 13th, 2018, hereby adopt the following Commitments:
Reaffirming the full commitment to the outcome document of the 2015 United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development, entitled “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development,” adopted in September 2015, which contains 17 Goals and 169 targets of Sustainable Development (SDGs);
Recalling the Bali Declaration adopted by the World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development in Bali on September 6th and 7th, 2017, entitled “Achieving the 2030 Agenda through Inclusive Development”;
Also recalling all relevant IPU outcome documents concerning parliamentary involvement toward the implementation of the SDGs;
Taking note of the 2016 UNEA resolution on “Sustainable Consumption and Production,” 2016 Quito Declaration on “Sustainable Cities and Human Settlements for All”, 2016 UNHRC resolution on “The right to education”, and 2015 UN resolution on “Women in development,”;
Reaffirming further that all Goals of the SDGs are interconnected and therefore progress in affordable and clean energy can affect other progress on poverty eradication, gender equality, mitigation of and adaptation to climate change, food security, health, clean water and sanitation;
Recognizing that gender equality is the foundation for quality education and sustainable development, and in this regard, stressing the important role of women to energy sustainability and economic growth due to their daily domestic energy consumption, including serving food for families, lighting for teaching their children at night, and for their small and medium food industries, therefore the equal rights, accesses, and opportunities of women and men should be assured;
Acknowledging the big potential of renewable energy resources for producing sustainable energy in the WPFSD participating countries, and the need to continuously promote blue economy, green industry and development to support the achievement of energy security and diversification;
Underlining that the SDG 17 on partnerships is an indispensable key towards the attainment of SDGs, which is even more urgently needed nowadays, to strengthen cooperation and collaboration among multi-stakeholders of the national, regional, and global community, to move forward and to ensure ‘no one is left behind’;
We, parliamentarians commit to:
- Scale up efforts to raise awareness among parliaments in each participating countries on the importance of SDGs achievement;
- Establish the necessary mechanism to work closely with the government and other stakeholders to ensure the effective parliamentary functions on legislation, budgeting, and oversight in accordance with the national SDGs roadmap;
- Take follow up actions to the outcomes of WPFSD both at the national and international levels in partnership with other parliamentarians, development partners, and relevant stakeholders;
- Continue regular holdings of WPFSD as the key global parliamentarian forum to facilitate exchange of views, knowledge, and best practices towards the achievement of SDGs 2030. In this regard, national Parliaments interested to host the forthcoming meetings of the WPFSD or its related meetings can communicate their intention to the previous host of the WPFSD.
Bali, 13 September 2018