Women Political Leaders (WPL) Ambassador meeting at the Reykjavik Global Forum – Women Leaders 2020

Women Political Leaders (WPL) Ambassador meeting at the Reykjavik Global Forum – Women Leaders 2020
Geneva, November 11th, 2020do
Launched in November 2018 under the heading of Power, Together, the Women Political Leader (WPL) Forum is where women leaders, including Presidents, Prime Ministers, Parliamentarians and leaders from business, academia, civil society, the arts and media, discuss and share ideas and solutions on how to further advance society and develop the number of women in leadership positions.
2020 Reykjavik Global Forum, co-hosted by Women Political Leaders and the Government and Parliament of Iceland, was one of the few occasions for women leaders across sectors to connect and take stock of the new reality created by COVID-19. The important conversations was aiming to encourage the sharing of best practices and solutions to help rebuild our global society in a more equitable manner and to encourage a future where parity in decision-making processes is not an exception but the rule.
As a distinguished member of the WPL Board, former Parliamentarian and dedicated WPL Ambassador for Indonesia, the President of Geneva Council for International Affairs and Development (GCIAD), Dr. Nurhayati Ali Assegaf was invited to chair the private WPL Country Ambassador session taking place in the context of the 2020 Reykjavik Global Forum – Women Leaders on Wednesday, November 11th, 2020.
The session was joined by the following WPL Ambassadors:
- Annita Demetriou , Member of the House of Representatives of Cyprus
- Donatille Mukabalisa , Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies of Rwanda
- Ebtesam Mohamed Saleh Al Dalal, Member of Majlis Al-Shura, Bahrain
- Eeva Kalli, Member of the Parliament of Finland
- Eglantina Gjermeni, Member of the Parliament of Albania
- Gabriela Morawska-Stanecka , Senator, Deputy Marshal of Senate of Poland
- Inaya Ezzeddine , Member of the National Assembly of Lebanon
- Konul Nurullayeva , Member of the Milli Majlis, Azerbaijan
- Marilou McPhedran , Member of the Senate of Canada
- Olga Kefalogianni , Member of the Hellenic Parliament
- Rose Marie J. Arenas , Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Philippines
- Wafa Bani Mustafa, Member of the Chamber of Deputies of Jordan
The participants engaged in a discussion revolving around ensuring that our global societies ‘build back better’ from the status quo to a better, more equal and fairer ‘new normal’; a World in which equality for all women and girls around the globe is a priority and a reality.
N.B.: Thank you letter from the WPL Forum committee
To our esteemed WPL Ambassadors,
On behalf of Women Political Leaders (WPL) and our Chair for today, Dr. Nurhayati Ali Assegaf, Member of the WPL Board ,I would like to sincerely thank you all for your participation in today’s WPL Ambassador meeting at the Reykjavik Global Forum – Women Leaders 2020.
Thank you for sharing your perspectives and insights on what collaboratively women (political) leaders like yourselves can do to ensure that our global societies ‘build back better’ from the status quo, to a better, more equal and fairer ‘new normal’; a World in which equality for all women and girls around the globe is a priority and a reality. Please keep the conversation going, stay bold, stay courageous and hopeful and remember that through #PowerTogether, solidarity and sisterhood, collective action can really translate into concrete change that is needed in this world that we all call home.
Please keep WPL informed about the great work you are all doing in your parliaments, communities and countries and we hope to warmly welcome you all once more to future WPL events, including the Forum (hopefully in person), next year!
If you would like to be introduced please feel free to send us an email requesting or join our WPL Ambassadors Facebook Group via the following link: https://buff.ly/37bQvpw.
Please find attached three versions of the group photo attached below to this email. The recording of the session will be shared with you as soon as it is available.
Thank you and best regards,
Angela Lowe
Programme & Communities Manager at Women Political Leaders (WPL)