Paper: Migration and Economic Development in Turkey (Assegaf, 2021)

Migration and Economic Development in Turkey
Published in: Akdeniz Havzası ve Afrika Medeniyetleri Dergisi, Year 2021, Volume 3, Issue 2, 66 - 78, 31.12.2021
The study provides arguments of the effect of highly-skilled migration on the economic development of Turkey. Literatures in economics have provided evidence that migration in overall has strong and positive economic dimension for the host country. In Turkey itself, studies have found similar conclusions that immigration bring about positive effect on its economy. As such, Turkey has stated in its 10th Development Plan and has made various efforts to recruit qualified international labor force and address the urgent need to attract foreign direct investment. Some of the factors that attract highly-skilled international workforce to immigrate to Turkey include booming Turkish economy, growing opportunities for higher education, research and development, and increasing foreign direct investment opportunities. All those efforts have resulted in a number of positive impacts that Turkey has enjoyed from its resources of highly-skilled migrants. In order for Turkey to further increase the positive economic impact from migration, this study provides some policy suggestions.
migration, Turkish economy, highly skilled migrants, economic, policy
Citation (APA):
Assegaf, N. A. (2021). Migration and Economic Development in Turkey . Akdeniz Havzası ve Afrika Medeniyetleri Dergisi , 3 (2) , 66-78 . Retrieved from