Women Political Leaders (WPL) G20 Conference, 29 October 2021

Women Political Leaders (WPL) G20 Conference, 29 October 2021
On the eve of the G20 Summit, Women Political Leaders (WPL), organised a high-level gathering of women political leaders in Rome who provided their views on Italy’s G20 priorities and suggested actionable solutions to today’s global challenges.
The WPL G20 is co-hosted by Women Political Leaders, the European Commission, and the European Parliament in the framework of the Italian Presidency of the G20. At the WPL G20, for the first time, the latest findings from the Reykjavík Index for Leadership surveyed in all G20 countries were released. There was also a special focus on climate change.
As WPL Global Ambassador for SDGs, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nurhayati Ali Assegaf emphasizes the need for global leaders to undertake significant measures to combat climate change.
“Climate change has killed more people than terrorism.”
Nurhayati Ali Assegaf, WPL Global Ambassador for Sustainable Development Goals
Source: https://www.womenpoliticalleaders.org/event/g20-summit/