GCIAD is a network for International Cooperation, diplomacy, development and human rights attorneys. Dedicated to ensure awareness of the institutional limitations. We intend to utilize the skills and resources of our network for cooperation, conflict resolution and grassroots advocacy.

We aim to achieve:

  • Cooperation, security, prevention and mediation of internal and external conflicts in a peaceful and democratic spirit: analyze, define and support policies that are in line with the spirit of democracy and good governance, including Justice and human rights.
  • Contributing to the political culture and rejecting all forms of discrimination and exclusion.
  • Contributing to the well-being of international society through solidarity and cooperation among people and nations.
  • Carrying out research and training: working with international partners to address sustainable development, environment and climate change matters.
  • Trading activities linked to the development of specific projects.

By means of:

  • Coordinating among and lobbying of social and political movements
  • Launching campaigns to affect policy-making and raising awareness of relevant subject issues
  • Lobbying government authorities
  • Advocating policy changes/implementation
  • Coordinating the provision of legal education and legal and human rights monitors
  • Building the capacity of existing advocates and helping establish legal support bodies where none exist.
  • Undertaking litigation aimed at challenging discriminatory practices.
  • Strategies /Communication and Potentials – building a communications strategy
  • Advancing transparency campaign ,anagement and control by the organizations and state institutions
  • Ensuring revenues and good management of natural resources belonging to future generations.