What is Next after Bali Declaration 2017?

What is Next after Bali Declaration 2017?
what's next after Bali 2017

Follow up of the World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development (WPFSD)

Geneva, 28 September 2017

Dr. Nurhayati Ali Assegaf

Chairperson of the Committee for Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation/Initiator of WPFSD

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Mission of the Republic Of Indonesia to the United Nations, WTO and Other International Organization in Geneva, H. E. Mr. Hasan Kleib

Director of Geneva Council for International Affairs and Development, Mr. Anouar Gharbi

Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen,

Assalamu’alaikum warrohmatullahi wabarokatuh,

Good afternoon to all of you.

I wish to warmly welcome all of you to our working luncheon today. It is an honour to be here and updating you on our recent initiative, the World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development (WPFSD).

The Forum gathered parliamentarians from more than 49 countries under the umbrella theme of “leaving no one behind” and specifically aims to support the achievement of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. Three topics were discussed, i.e. SDGs and Climate Action, Ending Violence and Sustaining Peace, and Leave No One Behind: Promoting Inclusive and Equitable Development. It was held in Bali on 6-7 September 2017.

In this Forum, we maintain the goal of inclusive participation to strengthen and build partnerships with development organizations as well as civil society and academia and other stakeholders. A number of partners from international organizations participated in the Forum such as the UN Environmental Program, UNDP, UNODC, UN Women, and parliamentary organizations such as the Global Organization of Parliaments Against Corruption (GOPAC). Also present are think tanks such as the Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD), Women Political Leader (WPL), the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN), as well as civil society organizations such as the International NGO Forum on Indonesia Development (INFID).

The Forum concluded with the adoption of Bali Declaration represents the political commitment of global parliaments to participate and contribute to the achievement of SDGs. It confirms the significance of parliamentary roles in achieving SDGs and strategic steps on parliamentary engagement in the future of the SDGs.
Under the issue of inclusiveness, the Bali Declaration affirms that Parliament should be the guardian of all societies, including vulnerable and marginalized groups.

On the issue of ending violence, the Bali Declaration affirms the role of parliament as peace facilitator by promoting peaceful dialogue. Specifically, Parliament through their constitutional mandate, hold a significant role in realizing a peaceful, just and inclusive society which free of fear and violence.

On supporting the effort to combat the adverse impact of climate change, the Bali Declaration will be a tool of international diplomacy that underscores the importance of developed countries’ commitments in implementing the Paris Agreement, one of the binding agreements established within the framework of the UN Framework Convention for Climate Change (UNFCCC).

One of the highlights in the Bali Declaration debate is regarding the inclusion of references to the specific issue of Rohingya in Myanmar. There is a heated debate about whether or not specific issues should be included in the Declaration. The debate took place quite fiercely. Nevertheless, on humanitarian grounds, the Forum reach a consensus on the important of addressing the on-going situation in Rakhine State Myanmar with the focus on immediate halt to violence attacks; urgency parties to implement self-restraint and restore stability and security in Rakhine; and, securing access to humanitarian assistance.
Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today we invite you here to discuss on the way forward, what’s next after Bali?
The Bali Declaration contains steps that can be used as a reference to follow up the results of WPSD. During the WPSD discussion there was a growing aspiration from the participants to institutionalize the forum since WPSD is the only global inter-parliamentary forum that deals specifically with the issue of SDGs. Institutionalization of WPSD can also encourage and facilitate better exchange of experiences and best practices on innovation to support the implementation of SDGS.

In this regard, the House of Representatives is preparing the basic arrangements to institutionalize WPSD and maintain the sustainability of this Forum as a framework for inter-parliamentary dialogue with other stakeholders on issues surrounding SDGs. As a first step is an agreement to organize this forum on a regular basis. A number of countries have expressed readiness to host the next event and we will communicate with those countries in order to explore our options. It is certainly is not an easy matter and require a process. The House of Representatives, through the Committee for Inter-Parliamentary Cooperation, is ready to facilitate the institutionalization of WPSD.

In this auspicious occasion, we are welcome to your comments and suggestion on this matter.