The 3rd World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development (2019)

The 3rd World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development (2019)
The 3rd World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development (2019)


Combating Inequality through Social and Financial Inclusion


Bali, 4-5 September 2019

In the wake of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, many countries continue to face significant challenges in an increasingly unequal world, while the most vulnerable groups remain marginalized from social and economic participation.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are still perceived as executives’ domain, but the core Parliamentary functions in law–making, budgeting, oversight, and representation of the peoples’ interests, are critical in building people–centred, inclusive, peaceful, and prosperous societies, and ending all poverty everywhere in all its dimensions.Therefore, the formulation of a Parliamentary Roadmap on SDGs shall transform our shared perspective into more tangible efforts, under the principles of inclusion, partnership, and participation, where “no one left behind.”

In 2017, the First World Parliamentary Forum on Sustainable Development (WPFSD) adopted the Bali Declaration, which emphasizes the critical involvement of Parliaments in ensuring the effective implementation and timely realization of the SDGs. The Bali Declaration encourages Parliaments to strengthen national ownership by mainstreaming and implementing SDGs into enforceable National Development Plan, ensuring sufficient legal frameworks and budgetary requirements to support national policy on SDGs, scaling up efforts to end violence and sustaining peace, and enhancing climate action.

In 2018, the Second WPFSD adopted the Bali Commitment, which draws attention to the significance of partnership towards sustainable energy for all. The Bali Commitment promotes (1) the big potential of renewable energy resources for producing sustainable energy and (2) the prospect of blue economy, green industry and sustainable development to achieve energy security and diversification. This outcome document endorses Parliaments to establish the necessary mechanism to work closely with the governments and other stakeholders.We, Parliamentarians gathered at the Third WPFSD in Bali, Indonesia,on 4–5 September 2019, adopted the Bali Roadmap, which consists of a number of forward–looking recommendations that represent various dimensions in addressing challenges of SDGs implementation. By referring to the Bali Roadmap, we agree to:

  1. Safeguard efforts towards the achievement of SDGs, particularly on achieving equality in all social and financial aspects, as emphasized in the Resolution 2010/12 adopted by the UN Economic and Social Council on Promoting Social Integration and UN General Assembly Resolution 72/206 on Financial Inclusion for Sustainable Development;
  2. Urge our respective governments to formulate national action plan and establish effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions in supporting SDGs implementation;
  3. Call upon Governments to renew their commitment and give more attention in delivering the SDGs timely through tangible actions and accelerating policy implementations, as asserted in the 2019 High–Level Political Forum (HLPF) in New York;
  4. Advocate the delivery of sustainable social protection measures, resilient infrastructure,and public services for all, including for those living below the poverty line, people in rural and remote areas, the vulnerable, persons with disabilities, children and older persons, and indigenous peoples, particularly through the fulfillment of their fundamental human rights, which consist of no less than the following aspects:–Quality education,–Healthcare,–Decent and affordable housing,–Access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene;
  5. Urge governments and local governments, as well as national and regional parliaments to mainstreaming and localizing the SDGs,based on the cultures, local languages and conditions, or uniqueness of a respective country;
  6. Strengthen legal frameworks and promote the development of an enabling environment to diversify financial resources and scale up funding from multiple sources to reduce financing gap in infrastructure, and to achieve an inclusive and sustainable development through innovative SDGs financing, such as blended finance, Green Financing for Financial Institution, Social Impact Fund, religious–based philanthropy for SDGs, and crowdfunding through digital philanthropy;
  7. Underpin multi–stakeholders partnerships in ensuring the creation of inclusive financial services which open up access for the marginalized to fully participating in the economy and benefit from development;
  8. Strengthen the multilateral system for effective global coordination, responses and solutions to address the multifaceted crises and challenges arise from interconnectedness, interdependency and complex global governance;
  9. Invite business sector and other relevant stakeholders to utilize their innovation and promote creative economy to contribute in addressing sustainable development challenges through the implementation of more sustainable consumption and production patterns, and to engage with parliaments as strategic partners in development process. We extend our appreciation to the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, as the founder of the WPFSD, for its relentless efforts in promoting the achievement of SDGs, while express our gratitude to the IPU President for continuously supporting the WPFSD.We call upon all Parliamentarians to continue to engage actively in substantiating and holding the regular events of the WPFSD.

Bali, 5 September 2019