Women Political Leaders Appoints a Global Ambassador for Sustainable Development Goals

Women Political Leaders Appoints a Global Ambassador for Sustainable Development Goals


Women Political Leaders Appoints a Global Ambassador for Sustainable Development Goals


Women Political Leaders (WPL) is the global network of women politicians. The mission of WPL is to increase both the number and the influence of women in political leadership positions. WPL members are women in political office – Presidents, Prime Ministers, Cabinet Ministers, Members of Parliaments, Mayors.


The President of Geneva Council of International Affairs and Development (GCIAD), Dr. Nurhayati Ali Assegaf, was appointed as the WPL Global Ambassador for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). As high-level contributors, she committed to utilize her international experience to advocate and support the organisation’s mission to increase the number and influence of women in politics, particularly with regards to the efforts for achieving SDGs. “The SDGs remain the best framework to massively scale up international cooperation to end poverty, protect the planet, ensure good health and well being, for everyone by 2030,” Dr. Assegaf stated.


Original article: https://www.womenpoliticalleaders.org/women-political-leaders-appoints-a-global-ambassador-for-sustainable-development-goals-and-a-special-envoy-to-g7-and-g20/