Media Statement: Congratulatory Remark for The President-elect of the USA

Media Statement: Congratulatory Remark for The President-elect of the USA
Geneva, November 9th, 2020
To: H.E The Elected President Joseph Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris
At The White House, Washington DC, USA
Your Excellency;
On behalf of the Geneva Council for International Affairs and Development (GCIAD), we would like to take this opportunity to extend our best regards and warmest feelings of congratulations, wishing you more success, health and happiness in life.
We also highly congratulate the United States institutions for the fair elections and we hope a smooth and democratic transition of power.
We deeply appreciate your approach to support the rules of law, good governance, especially your effort to remaking international cooperation work through multilateral and regional fora.
We also express our full determination and commitment to promote cooperation between the GCIAD network and the USA to strengthen and reinforce our efforts for the benefit of the people of United States of America to life in peace, justice, and prosperity for all.
We would like to remind Your Excellency that Geneva Council for International Affairs and Development is a network for international cooperation, diplomacy, development, and human rights attorneys. GCIAD is dedicated to ensure awareness of the institutional limitations. We fully intend to utilize the skills and resources of our network for cooperation, conflict resolution, and grassroots advocacy in line with 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, i.e. that “No One Left Behind”.
Please kindly accept, Mr. President-elect, the assurances of our highest consideration and deepest respect.
Dr. Nurhayati Ali Assegaf
Geneva Council for International Affairs and Development (GCIAD)
Rue des Savoises 15
CH- 1205 Geneva